This program includes the following compositions:
Alec Templeton – A trip through a music conservatory
Ted Heath and his Music – Claire de lune
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra – Rhapsody in Blue (parts 1 & 2)
Noubar Bey – Fantaisie maggiar
Ted Heath and his Music – Alouette
Jack Kaufman – I'll see you in C-U-B-A
Russ Case and his Orchestra - Stompe a la turca (Rondo from Sonata #9)
Alec Templeton – The shortest Wagner opera ever written
Jan August with Jerry Murad and his Harmonicats – March of the Sardar
Ted Heath and his Music – Sabre dance boogie
Carmen Cavallaro and his Orchestra – Enlloro (voodoo moon)
Duke Ellington and his Famous Orchestra – In a sentimental mood 2
Victor Borge – A lesson in composition (to be followed by “The Blue Serenade”)
Listen and/or download HERE